the complete source text, either as a legible print copy on paper or, better still, in electronic form as a file | |
information on the purpose of the translation and the target group (e.g. is it intended for company-internal discussion or for widespread publication, will it be read by native speakers only or by readers for whom the target language is a lingua franca, is it intended for experts or for the general public etc.?) | |
general information on your company and its products etc. | |
reference documents wherever possible | |
special company-internal terminology and abbreviations; when software and software instructions are to be translated, it is important to provide us with any texts which already exist in the target language (e.g. screen shots of user interfaces). |
the name, telephone number and e-mail address of someone in the company who is in a position to answer any queries | |
your deadline request | |
your wishes regarding the way you want the translation delivered (paper, electronic file on CD, floppy or another medium) and the file format (this is extremely important if the files are to be used for further processing) | |
any special wishes you may have with regard to style, formal appearance, image handling etc. | |
details of how the translation is to be delivered to you (mail, e-mail, courier etc.) |
It is a great help to us if you can provide as much of this information as possible when you send your request for a quotation. This enables us to assess the amount of time required more accurately and give you a detailed, realistic and favourable quotation.